iso ) and when you start your VM point to the flashdrive. If you haven't used virtualBox before best way ( that works for me ) is to store your version of windows on a flashdrive ( as a. When building your VM make sure you enable 3D acceleration ( not 2D ). If you don't do this last step 3DS MAX will throw a 'Virtual device creation failed' error. Below where it says 'Display Drivers' click on 'choose driver' and select 'OpenGL ( Microsoft Corporation version 1.10 ) and restart 3DS Max and you should be good to go. Just make sure that you go to 'customize' and choose 'preferences' and then click on the 'viewports' tab. 3DS MAX is running on a iMac ( OS 10.9.2 ) running inside a virtual machine ( 's free open source ) that is running a windows 7.